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Warrior Sage and the Gita w/Justin Reilley

There have been countless warriors with a deep understanding of spirituality throughout the ages. The samurai Miyomoto Musashi, Joan of Arc, Bruce Lee philosopher and Martial Artist, Arjuna from The Bhagavad Gita, Helio Gracie the founder of Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Marcus Arelius and countless others who have walked the path of warrior and sage. In this workshop we will break down some simple yogic philosophic concepts and then put them into action with an asana practice. Through the combination of the two concepts we can begin to understand the importance of connecting to the spiritual self in order to bravely go in to battle. Whether that battle is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, the warrior sage is always searching for their truth through challenge without fear.

This workshop will explore Justin's perspective on teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. Join us for an event that includes storytelling and an asana practice that will inspire and bring the message to life!

Sunday 9/22


Cost $40

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